Best VR Headsets for iPhone SE in 2021


The iPhone SE is described as Apple’s budget iPhone. It’s a 4.7-inch phone with the internal workings of the iPhone 11 but looks like the iPhone 8!

In short, it still looks good and has a lot of features, but it’s considerably cheaper than the standard iPhone offerings. 

Of course, today any smartphone is so much more than just a means to communicate. The iPhone SE takes fantastic pictures, is fast, and can be used with a virtual reality headset.

But, to enjoy the experience you need to find the best VR headsets for the iPhone SE. 

Choosing The Best VR Headsets for iPhone SE

Before you take a look at the headsets available it’s worth noting that, while there are some great headsets, there are plenty of ones that won’t really do anything for you.  These are generally the cheapest options. Before you choose a headset consider the following:


You need to be confident that the manufacturer is supplying a high-quality headset. Consider if you’ve ever heard of the manufacturer before and, if you have, what you’ve heard. If you’ve never heard of them take the time to check them out on social media and forums. The responses of others will tell you if the headset is worthwhile or not. 


The headset needs to be comfortable. That means a padded head strap is essential, you won’t be able to play for an extended period if it’s not.

You should also make sure the headset is light. The lighter it is the less you’ll notice it and the easier it will be to keep playing. It’s worth noting that a heavy headset can give you neck and head strains!

Remote Controller

The best VR devices have handheld controllers to complete your interactive experience. Unfortunately, iPhones need controllers that are made specifically for them. But, you must have one, the greater the level of control the easier and more enjoyable the virtual reality experience will be.

The Best VR Headsets for iPhone SE

Of course, there are some phones on the market which are better at offering a VR experience than the iPhone. But, you’re iPhone is more than just a VR device.  

Let’s take a look at the best VR headsets for your iPhone SE.

The Bnext Virtual Reality Goggles

The Bnext Virtual Reality Goggles
The Bnext Virtual Reality Goggles

The Bnext virtual reality goggles are described as universal because they can be used with Android and iPhones. That makes them a good choice if you’re planning on sharing the headset and not everyone in your household has an iPhone.

Perhaps the best part of this system is actually the strap. It secures around and over your head and is fully adjustable. The strap is also padded, ensuring you stay comfortable hour after hour. In fact, this headset offers a comparable level of comfort to the top end VRV headsets.

Alongside this, the Bnext goggles have a soft nose piece and eyesight protection. Alongside this, it is possible to adjust the FD and OD to create the perfect optical balance for your eyes. This even allows you to compensate for some vision issues. 

The headset is compatible with a wide range of devices and you’ll even gain access to a variety of VR games and experiences, uniquely available through Bnext.

It is worth noting that your iPhone will be completely enclosed. This makes the experience more immersive but it does increase the risk of your phone overheating. For that reason, you should take a break periodically.

Check the price on Amazon

VR Wear Headset

VR Wear Headset
VR Wear Headset

The VR Wear headset can be used with all variants of the iPhone models 6, 7, and 8, including the SE and plus models. It is also compatible with a range of Android phones providing their screens are between 4.5-6.5 inches.

You can get the plain VR Wear headset with stickers to go over the outer lens or you can choose from an array of pre-printed ones. All of which look good and will certainly make anyone watching you smile!

This headset offers 105° vision, this increases the sharpness of the image and can prevent you from feeling dizzy. Dizziness is often a side-effect of wearing a headset and focusing directly ahead for long periods. You’ll also appreciate the 4-directional adjustments that can be made for each eye, to ensure you have the perfect view of your screen.

The headset incorporates ventilation holes, ensuring your iPhone can stay cool. This headset also incorporates the 3-way strap that can be fully adjusted. They are well padded and the VR headset is very light, preventing the need to have a nose piece as it won’t rest on your nose!

A nice feature is the folding front cover that allows easy access and set up. You can also use the magnetic button on the side to navigate through app menus. 

Check the price on Amazon

Voxkin 3D VR Glasses

This is one of the cheapest options but a surprisingly good choice. It suitable for any phone, from 3.5” to 6.5” screen, including iPhones. The Voxkin 3D VR glasses design is simple yet stylish. 

The front cover has a magnetic catch which is easily opened, allowing you to slide your iPhone SE into the slot. Close the lid and you’re ready to go!

Just like the other best VR headsets for iPhone SE you can adjust the pupillary distance and object distance. This allows you to get the perfect view of the virtual reality world, regardless of any issues with your own eyesight.

The standard strap goes over your head and around the sides, meeting at a central point with an adjuster to create the perfect tension. It will fit nearly anyone.  It also has a soft leather lining on the facepiece and a nose slot, to maintain comfort.

The headset is made of high-quality durable plastic, you shouldn’t need to replace it in a hurry.

Check the price on Amazon

Shinecon VR Headset

Shinecon VR Headset
Shinecon VR Headset

The Shinecon VR headset is compatible with iPhones and Android. It’s exceptionally lightweight and has the standard 3 point strap which is fully adjustable. But, it’s worth noting that this headset also incorporates headphones.

The headband is made from soft nylon, allowing you to wear it for extended periods. The lenses are PMMA optical resin and have 8 layers of nano-coating, ensuring the best possible visibility of the virtual world. It also helps to reduce eye fatigue. 

You’ll also appreciate the soft sponge inside the headset protects your iPhone. At the same time, the memory protein ear cushions feel like human skin is touching you. This helps to ensure they stay comfortably in position for as long as you want to play. 

The VR headset from Shinecon is designed to spread the stress around your head. This reduces pressure on your eyes, helping to eliminate eye fatigue or dizziness.

The active noise-canceling headphones are a nice touch as they cancel out the sounds around you, helping you to be completely immersed in the virtual world.

Shinecon is known for high-quality products and this headset doesn’t disappoint. 

Check the price on Amazon

VeeR Falcon VR Headset

VeeR Falcon VR Headset
VeeR Falcon VR Headset

The final offering on the list is the VeeR Falcon VR headset. It’s designed to accommodate phones between 4.7 and 6.2 inches, including the iPhone SE. 

It’s been developed with comfort in mind, hence the reason it has a 3-way soft nylon strap. The headset is surprisingly light and the headphones sit around your ears. The ergonomic design minimizes pressure on your face when wearing it, allowing you to keep playing for longer. 

The around-ear headphones are excellent at canceling noises and provide impressive sound quality. 

But, perhaps the best part is the visual quality. The angles can be adjusted between 100 and 110° to create the best possible view and prevent dizziness. You’ll also find the FD and IPD are fully adjustable, allowing you to create 20:20 vision even if you normally wear glasses. 

The Veer Falcon also has a convenient remote control, allowing you to effortlessly scroll through the menus and get going in the virtual world.

If you do have any issues you’ll be pleased to note there is extensive and friendly customer support, just waiting to help.

Check the price on Amazon

Final Thoughts

Most of the best VR headsets for iPhone SE are not expensive. While they won’t give the same experience as the Oculus Rift or similar devices, they do give a satisfactory performance. 

You’ll need to consider which design you like the most and perhaps even try it for comfort. One thing is certain, all the above will work very well with your iPhone SE. Once you’ve experienced virtual reality like this you’re certain to be hooked! That’s why it’s so important that you have the best VR headsets for iPhone SE.