Organizing a Successful VR Event for Your Business

Organizing a Successful VR Event for your Business

Whatever your line of business is, setting up a VR event to showcase your product and its capabilities to your clients is a very good idea. There are several reasons for this, which we’ll go into in detail.

But the best reason of all is that businesses that cannot chart the future soon find themselves a part of the past. And, ladies and gentlemen, the future is here…

Dominating names in industry are already using VR and AR to push forward their products and ideas. But the fact is that these technologies are already within the grasp of the average industry. And if that is so, how long will it be before competitors are using these marketing tactics against each other?

VR has the potential to multiply your sales

Firstly, VR allows you to demonstrate your product and what it has to offer in ways and dimensions that no other presentation system could possibly match. The simple fact is that VR sells better than anything else.

But there is another reason to launch a VR event, and that is that it is cutting edge technology, and your competitors are probably not doing it yet.

Just about every industry on the planet today has to deal with cut-throat competition, and hosting a VR event that showcases your product can be your way of staying one step ahead of the competition, at least at the present moment.

That brings us to the logistics of actually hosting a VR event.

The main question that you’re faced with when discussing logistics is whether you want to go high end or low end. Let me explain.

There are two types of headsets on the market today, the low end headsets that are basically a case that houses your smartphone, and which use its diplay to create the VR experience, and the high end headsets, like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

oculus rift or htc vive for business

Our personal recommendation is that you go high end.

While the low end headsets are great for a casual VR experience at home, the high end headsets create an astonishingly realistic experience that will impress your clients and truly sell your products.

The HTC Vive is especially good for business presentations, because with its touch controllers your customers can actually interact with different objects in VR to create a deeply personal experience.

That will make a deep impression on them, and set them to thinking about your product not only during the presentation, but for a good period of time afterwards. Remember that the uniqueness of the experience is what we remember most.

VR presentations for business

When you present your product using a brilliant, state of the art product like the Oculus Rift, or the HTC Vive, you’re not merely creating a presentation, you’re creating a deeply unique experience that will impress itself upon your customer’s mind, and which he or she will remember again and again through the weeks to come.

There is no better way to sell a product effectively than to ensure that your customer remembers it again and again in the weeks to come.

Industries that can benefit from VR presentations range from engineering and design to the tourism sector and hotel industry. No matter what your economic sector, you can get a lead on the competition by enhancing your marketing with VR today.

Augmented reality vs Virtual Reality - AR vs VR

Both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive are cost effective and easily available. And deliver the results you need.

Cutting costs while shifting marketing to VR

Let’s talk costs. You want to use VR in your presentations, but you don’t want to encounter the cost of purchasing twenty high end VR headsets like the Oculus Rift.

Well, the good news is that you don’t have to purchase twenty headsets. All you have to do is arrange your presentation in such a manner that you don’t have to use more than five.

Five VR headsets, are a reasonable investment, and well worth the price for a company that wants to compete successfully with other companies in the same field – all of whom are probably going to be using VR in their presentations sooner or later.

So we’ll go back to what I was saying about using a smaller number of VR headsets in your presentation.

You need to break your presentation team up a bit to make this work.

One section of the team can handle a real life presentation, where knowledgeable people from your company speak with clients about the product. Then another section of the team can handle the VR presentation with around five headsets, while a third team handles questions that the clients may have after the presentation.

Doing this breaks down your audience so that the actual VR presentation will require fewer headsets. We believe that five VR headsets would be more than adequate for a presentation of this sort. Test the waters with a small purchase before you take the plunge.

VR demonstrations

Getting up a presentation in VR

That brings us to the practicalities of actually putting together a VR presentation in the first place. Creating a VR presentation is not really too different from creating an ordinary presentation, from a design point of view, and where the software is concerned, uses virtually the same sorts of software as are used to create normal presentations.

So, you can either create the presentation in-house or outsource it to a multimedia company. If your company already does presentations in-house, switching to VR will not be a problem for your design team. I could create a VR presentation myself, quickly and easily, working with VR movies and with software like Maya. It’s that easy.

So if you’d like to outsource your presentation, there are a lot of up-and-coming VR companies that will gladly create your presentation at a very reasonable price.

Cutting costs when making VR Presentations

One thing that can massively cut costs, as well as improve your presentations by allowing you to make 360 degree videos in true 3D, is a stereoscopic panoramic video camera like VUZE. This is fairly cheap, and easily available.

VUZE stereoscopic 3D 360 degree camera for business presentations

A camera like this will allow your company’s design team to film your own presentations and then stitch the stereoscopic videos together to create a smooth and composite experience for your clients.

By demonstrating how your product works on site in true 3D 360-degree Virtual Reality, you can demonstrate to them that it is the product on the market best able to serve their needs.

And that is all you need to convince someone that your product is capable of, to convince them to buy your product.

VR AR business marketing