Here’s How to Use PSVR With Glasses


In the modern era, it is hard to imagine getting anything done without the use of PCs. The tech revolution tends to become the new industrial revolution, creating new business opportunities and jobs all around the world. Now, some scientists claim that modern day lifestyles, which involve sitting in front of PC from 9-to-5 doing our regular jobs, paired with leisure activities which often involve additional inactivity and screen exposure, is highly unhealthy and even counter-evolutionary.

The consequence of this extended exposure to various screens all around us, is that nowadays people have their vision impaired more frequently than ever before. Approximately 75% of all adults wear glasses or contact lenses, which is alarmingly high percentage. Many people hesitate buying PlayStation VR because they fear how using PSVR with glasses will turn out to be.

Fear not, since compared to other high-end virtual-reality headsets, namely Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, using PSVR with glasses feels like a walk in the park. There are, however, a few potential hazards you should look out for while using PSVR with glasses. We will try to cover everything you need to know, so, keep on reading!

Does PSVR Work With Glasses?

In one sentence – yes, PSVR does work with glasses.

The truth is, if you need them in your day-to-day life, you are going to have to wear glasses with PSVR. If you have thought that you won’t need to because the lenses are only a few centimeters in front of your eyes, this unfortunately is not the case. PlayStation VR creates an image that is much further away.

Luckily, PSVR is probably the most comfortable virtual reality headset, as when you put it on, it barely touches your face at all. There is plenty of room for your glasses to fit, as long as you’re wearing them relatively close to your face. Design is far more comfortable than Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift. Sony went to great lengths making their PSVR work with glasses brilliantly, with the depth of the headset set to 6cm.

Tips for Using PSVR With Glasses


The best tip we can give you is to mount your headset front-to-back. Now this may seem a bit counter-intuitive, since most people who don’t wear glasses find it natural to slide the headset on as if you would put on a baseball cap. The problem with this approach lies in the possibility of knocking off your glasses while mounting the headset like this.

Therefore, you will soon come to learn that putting the face-plate on and the strap afterwards is much safer and neater way for using PSVR with glasses. When taking PSVR off, just hold the headset with one hand, and remove the back-strap. The face-plate should easily come off without pulling your glasses from your face in the process.

How to Wear PSVR With Glasses

The thing you need to try and avoid the most is your glasses touching the PSVR lenses. This can lead to damaging both the lenses as well as the eye-wear. The contact is likely to happen if you need to pull the PSVR as close to your face as possible in order to get a sharper image.

As explained in the video above, nose pads that usual glasses come with can cause some serious problems. Therefore it is probably a good idea to get a glass frame without nose pads.

Like these ones for example!

While playing action packed, intense games, there is a real possibility that your glasses will come in contact with PSVR lenses. And while you can’t scuff glass easily with many other materials, since it is naturally tough, glass to glass contact will leave a scratch. Therefore, precautions are mandatory, but we will get to this point at the end of the article.

PSVR Blurry Edges With Glasses

The most common cause of blurry edges when using PSVR is the inaccurate eye-to-eye distance setting. You can easily adjust this:


Settings > Devices > PlayStation VR

Measure Eye-to-Eye Distance > Next > OK > Take Photos > OK

Take Photos > Adjust the boxes > OK

If the IPD (interpupillary distance) isn’t set just right, give it a few more tries until it is pin-point perfect.


While in virtual reality setting, you shouldn’t really move your eyes around, but turn your head. Otherwise you may encounter other issues, such as motion sickness and nausea. Your eyes should be stationary at all times, locked straight ahead. Once accustomed to virtual reality, you will barely notice PSVR blurry edges with glasses, unless you are really paying attention to them. Blurry edges also occur when you try to focus on an object that is very close to you, as your eyes will converge to focus on it.

Improperly fit headset also may be a cause of the blurry edges. Last, but not least, make sure to clean your lenses properly, and your glasses too. Make sure to pack some extra microfiber cloths!

PSVR With Glasses for Nearsighted People

VR makes you wear glasses

If you have tried some mobile VR headsets, you’ve probably been able to use them without your glasses. You may think that if you are nearsighted, you won’t need your glasses because the PSVR lenses are just few centimeters away from your eyes.

Now, the thing about PSVR is that, while the lenses are physically just in front of your eyes, the image that is 10 feet away in VR, still needs to be focused on as the object 10 feet away in real life. This means if you are nearsighted and want to snipe an opponent in Farpoint, for example, glasses for nearsighted are mandatory with PSVR.

PSVR With Glass Scratches

psvr lens protectors

The most common hazard when using PSVR with glasses. Something you definitely want to avoid.

The games which require lots of movement only increase the chances of damaging your PSVR beyond repair. You can however insure this won’t happen, if you invest a few extra bucks in lens protection.

Like this PSVR lens protector!

For the in-depth guide on how to avoid glasses scratching your PSVR lenses, make sure to check out this article by my co-worker Alex Phoenix for some quality info.

If the damage is done already…

Do not despair yet!

It is possible you may be reading this too late, and you have already scratched your PSVR with glasses. Believe it or not, fine scratches can be removed using microfiber cloth and this headlight renewal kit. However, do not take this for granted, because it will only remove fine scratchesso if you haven’t scratched your PSVR with glasses yet, the best way to keep them safe is by investing in lens protection!


These issues are common with the VR technology available on the market today. Hopefully, the information contained within this article will help you prevent any potential issues!

Sincerely yours,
VRBorg Team!